Ranting about nudity! It’s funny how some cultures embrace their bodies and others do not. In Japan, I used to go to the onsen (hot springs) naked. It was weird the first time to get naked in front of colleagues and friends, but the adjustment phase was literally 20min and then the acceptance follows. It’s weird that I even felt self-conscious at all given some of the outfits I wore at university (the first time around). It was kind of nice to learn that the seemingly petite Japanese girls had their own share of pot bellies and cellulite to content with. A liberating revelation for a foreign resident given the amount of cultural critique we suffer from looking so different from the average population. Or I did. I am tall and muscular. Nice farmer stock. I can plough a field but not perform in a ballet. I am OK with that though.
I love my video. I take my lycra off just to reveal more lycra. Did you think I was going to get nude on SM? I don’t blame you. My tits are floating around on Instagram somewhere.

Is my skin conscious,? It is the biggest organ on my body, it is simultaneously the layer that protects me from the world as well as the organ that contains my essence. It is the barrier between my inside outside and my outside inside. It straddles two ecosystems. The universe where I am a sentient human and the universe of my body functions. It literally keeps me from dissipating into the air or dissolving into a puddle, organs floating about. But like most important things in life, we pay it little mind.
Camouflage—color, posture, and texture
Survival might be hopeless for soft bodied coleoid cephalopods if it were not for camouflage. In addition to hiding in crevices and small holes that these soft-body mollusks easily fit int many cephalopods rely on sophisticated tissues – the chromatophores, iridophores, leucophores and papillae – to blend in with their surroundings and disrupt their body outlines, making them much more difficult to locate by sight. Many coleoids share these tissues and organs, but the common and mimic octopuses (Octopus vulgaris and Thaumoctopus mimicus, respectively) have received much attention in popular media over the past decade.