Day 7:
Day 7:

Day 7:

Hungover, my friend and I make it back from Amsterdam. The trains last night were cancelled so we had to crash in a hostel. We also managed to take in the Van Gogh Museum before jumping on the train. I think the Van Gogh is the most overrated museum in Amsterdam, despite it being impossible to get a booking for. The Amsterdam museum was much better. My friend and I are both exhausted.  He says I look like a plucked chicken in the suit. Finally, someone made a comment! Definitely the quote of the week.

Hyottoko is a comical Japanese character, portrayed through the use of a mask. His mouth is puckered and skewed to one side. Some masks have different eye sizes between the left and right eyes. He is often wearing a scarf around his head. There is a similar character for women called Okame or Otafuku.