Day 10:
Day 10:

Day 10:

Wow, ¼ in. Almost can&t believe it. I already kind of hate lycra. I also hate trying to come up with quirky things to post on SM. I find a picture where it looks like I am flying. I titled it Super Lala. I don&t think it lands that well. My SM engagement starts tapering off after this. People are probably already getting bored of my pink ass clogging up their feeds. Hey, I warned you. Its not like I ever post, so you have to bear with my 40-day challenge. When else will I have the excuse to indulge myself like this?

Snow in the air

When I was young, I was able to fly. I did it along with my pet Maltese poodle. I have vivid memories of her and me zipping around my room. We did it in secret, of course. We knew how terribly offensive others would find it if we flaunted our unique talents in front of them. One day while the two of us were suspended in the air, my dad walked into my room: “What are you doing!”, he shouted. Snowy and I lost concentration and plummeted onto my bed. We never flew again. Or at least I didn’t. Snowy often made it to the top of my very high bookshelf to eat my chocolate.  I wonder why she stopped sharing her secrets of flight with me?