Day 14:
Day 14:

Day 14:

This was one of my most memorable posts. People still comment on how good my animation skills are. Just a Photoshop gif people!

Movement was the impetus for populating the earth, forming language, culture, and civilizations. The humdrum of our daily lives moves us as we travel from home to work to insanity. To keep the mind from decaying, we evolve and start cultural or social movements. 

We move through moods and we move through social groups. There is constant movement to keep our identities viable and compatible with modern lifestyles and contemporary thought.

The constant movement in my own life has afforded me a breadth of experience and all of this has inspired and shaped my ideas and my ability to embrace shifting paradigms and changes in society. 

We have moved into a critical point in our consumerist zeitgeist, necessitating urgent change in order to rectify issues within society and the impact humanity is having on the planet. Perhaps we may find comfort in the age-old adage that ‘the only certainty is change’ in striving to move away from old harmful habits.

Throughout my research, I hope to grow and develop into an activist. Someone who can effect change where change is needed.