My friend used my ‘campaign’ as an example for his art/English classes. Look atb this cute pic of them all posing like me! My heart melted.

Donna Harraway wisdom
With Donna Haraway, we read her trickeries and situated positionalities which offer a rich and dense understanding of partial ways of knowing, and self-reflexivity.
- Relatings and constituants
- Denote biogenetic relating
- Making of kith and kin – not only geneological
- To whom are you accountable?
- Family relation
- Oddkin
- Sovereignty
- Who owns knowledge? Who owns the story?
- Reparations restoration of title
- Rights of access
- Contact
- Salient
- Critical zones
- Form off witness
- At odds with and at allience with
- Managerial gaze
- Indigenous governace
- Strategic illusion of self identity
- Representation
- Articulation
- Synthesize
- Interpolated
- Language doesn’t explain but also constructs the world. Utternaces exclude and repress. They produce rather than eliminate. They disguise themselves as being natural
- Evoke context
- Textile as a legal entity
- Donna Haraway : story telling for earthly survival. DVD video. Brooklyn, NY : Icarus Films, 2017. ©2016