Explore with your body
40 Before 40 Challenge

40 Before 40 Challenge

  • Slash
    Slash BACKGROUND You know how annoying it is to get your jacket off when you are wearing a big bracelet or watch! You will pull the sleeve halfway off and then it will get stuck. Do you reverse and try to untwist the bunching fabric of the sleeve? Or do you resort to drastic measures? …
  • Press
    Press BACKGROUND It’s a dumb thing to do, but I still often try to put my pants on after having put on my shoes. it’s equally dumb to try and get a jacket sleeve over my arm when I’m wearing a massive bracelet. Something normal get’s stuck. When this happens I’ll try to push my …
  • Glide
    Wearing a long flowing dress BACKGROUND It’s fun to dance around when you are wearing a long flowing dress. The fabric swishes and rustles as you twirl around. Satisfying sounds and enjoyable movements. TECHNIQUE Pretend you are grappling the edges of a dress. Lift your hands up into the air and start twirling around. Your …
  • Float
    Float BACKGROUND I feel giddy when I wear a soft sweater. It tingles my skin and makes me feel like I’m floating. It’s an immensely satisfying sensation. TECHNIQUE Imagine the process of putting on something soft or silky, especially pyjamas. I experience a rush of endorphins at the sensation of the textile lightly grazing my …
  • Flick
    Flick BACKGROUND We’ve all been so tired that we had to stumble home exhausted. Of course, the movement and actions are similar to when you stumble home drunk. You don’t have full control of your muscles anymore and as you take one clumsy step after the next you kind of flick your feet up into …
  • Dab
    Dab BACKGROUND It’s an unnerving feeling. Putting on a big item of clothing and then getting lost inside it. Your arms can’t find the holes to shove itself through, and your head is swimming around in folds of textile, never finding the route to the collar. TECHNIQUE Imagine being stuck inside a giant sweater. Use …
  • Thrust
    Thrust BACKGROUND Zippers are weird but cool. Unless they strip, then they suck. Also, closing a zipper really quickly can be dangerous. Be careful not to pinch your skin! In general, zippers are very useful and much quicker to use than buttons. No wonder they are so ubiquitous on garments. TECHNIQUE You have to zip …
  • Wring
    Wring BACKGROUND Ballgowns with big ribbons or a cummerbund for timeless elegance? Perhaps you just want to fasten your robe. Look more modest when going to and from the shower. Sometimes sashes, ribbons and soft belts are essential to complete the look. TECHNIQUE Pretend to tie a big sash around your waist. It’s easier to …
  • 10 Tips For Studio Shooting
    Vestibulum finibus congue leo, tristique dignissim tortor. Nunc mollis condimentum felis. Fusce vitae nisl sed justo condimentum gravida.
  • Photography Inspiration
    Vestibulum finibus congue leo, tristique dignissim tortor. Nunc mollis condimentum felis. Fusce vitae nisl sed justo condimentum gravida.
  • How to Organise Studio Shooting
    Vestibulum finibus congue leo, tristique dignissim tortor. Nunc mollis condimentum felis. Fusce vitae nisl sed justo condimentum gravida.
  • Photography Tips For Your Trip
    Vestibulum finibus congue leo, tristique dignissim tortor. Nunc mollis condimentum felis. Fusce vitae nisl sed justo condimentum gravida.
  • Why Retouching is Important?
    Vestibulum finibus congue leo, tristique dignissim tortor. Nunc mollis condimentum felis. Fusce vitae nisl sed justo condimentum gravida.
  • 40 before 40 challenge
    Gosh, what will I wear today? An age-old lament echoed by ladies across to globe. How we look is important, you know. And for a lot, whatever they have in their cupboards (a capsule wardrobe or a fashion paradise) is not enough. I don’t have that problem. I have tons of clothes. Less than some …
  • Day 1:
    Wearing Lycra for 40 days seems like a weird idea, I guess. The idea came to me because of all the time I spent on a bike, as a tour guide, the three years leading up to 2020 when I moved to the Netherlands to do my Master’s degree. I spend the biggest part of …
  • Day 2:
    Ranting about nudity! It’s funny how some cultures embrace their bodies and others do not. In Japan, I used to go to the onsen (hot springs) naked. It was weird the first time to get naked in front of colleagues and friends, but the adjustment phase was literally 20min and then the acceptance follows. It’s …
  • Day 3:
    Embracing the exposure. It is my third day in lycra. My lecturer says I look like a penis. I kind of do.  Last night I had to wash my suit for the first time. I rinsed it in my sink in my room and rang out most of the water. Its hanging to dry now. …
  • Day 4:
    Studio day at ArtEZ main campus. Our Masters class are doing a printing workshop. I&m running super late because I am looking at potential new accommodation. I feel a bit weird to go solicit in my skin-tight suit – they’ll probably think I am insane and not rent to me. But no one notices and …
  • Day 5:
    Lycra Lala meets Lycra tables. I’m at a fashion conference where people are taking themselves super seriously. I’m messing around, as usual, seductively draped on the floor next to the table. The professor from our department is there. We have never formally met, but I know she will evaluate me soon. Hope she doesn’t think …
  • Day 6:
    My post today elicited a lot of feedback and comments. The message really resonated with people. Many people messaged me privately to comment about how much criticism they got after being pregnant or sick etc. why does anyone else feel they can comment on your physique. I’m heading off to Amsterdam with a friend to …
  • Day 7:
    Hungover, my friend and I make it back from Amsterdam. The trains last night were cancelled so we had to crash in a hostel. We also managed to take in the Van Gogh Museum before jumping on the train. I think the Van Gogh is the most overrated museum in Amsterdam, despite it being impossible …
  • Day 8:
    I’m already having fatigue from posting on SM every day. I want to do creative things with photocopies. But between work and study, I have no time. A lot of people on SM missed the brief on what I’m doing. I reiterate the message by posting some stomach rolls. I really like the crop. Amsterdam …
  • Day 9:
    Wrapping yourself in lycra is like being wrapped in plastic wrap. You feel super exposed. My creative study buddy helps me make a video. It doesn’t land so well on SM. I think some people think I’m being unnecessarily weird now. Some of my cycling friends in Japan don’t get it. Maybe they realize some …
  • Day 10:
    Wow, ¼ in. Almost can&t believe it. I already kind of hate lycra. I also hate trying to come up with quirky things to post on SM. I find a picture where it looks like I am flying. I titled it Super Lala. I don&t think it lands that well. My SM engagement starts tapering …
  • Day 11:
    This is one of my favourite statements and posts. I am a curvy girl and got a lot of comments about my body in Japan. Some were negative, some were positive, some seeped in jealousy. I didn’t mind it so much when I lived there. I understand what a riveting experience it was for everyone.  It …
  • Day 12:
    Fashion sale! I have had this bookmarked for weeks. Time to grab cheap designer swag from the fashion students at uni. They are thoroughly sick of their creations and happy to make a buck off their efforts. The construction is questionable, but the fashion is Avant-Garde. My favourite. I really want to throw the lycra …
  • Day 13:
    It’s Sunday. What a crazy week. I just want to chill out and not think. I go visit my South African friend in Appledoorn. He has the cutest doggy. She puts her paws on me, and it’s the first time I notice dirty marks on my lycra. How is that possible? I should have picked …
  • Day 14:
    This was one of my most memorable posts. People still comment on how good my animation skills are. Just a Photoshop gif people! Movement was the impetus for populating the earth, forming language, culture, and civilizations. The humdrum of our daily lives moves us as we travel from home to work to insanity. To keep …
  • Day 15:
    The same friends who called me a plucked chicken coined the best phrase to describe lycra. ‘Equal parts chewing gum and trampoline’. I just wanted to make a fashion style mood-board. I’m studying fashion after all. Biology of beliefs and the psychology of change Many of our beliefs were instilled in us before we were …
  • Day 16:
    Today was a big day. My study buddies have been dying to bleach my hair and turn it pink! The final instalment to total pink transformation! And of course, I can’t do my hair without my eyebrows. Study buddies do a good job applying the colour. Unfortunately, they missed a few spots close to my …
  • Day 17:
    This animation actually took me longer than I expected. It was supposed to just be a simple paper hack to transform my body, but I destroyed like 4 photocopies before getting a favourable result.  I also touched up my hair and attempted to bleach my eyebrows. The first application works well but I miss a …
  • Day 18:
    I have a cupboard of clothes, but all I wear is this boring lycra! I need to feel like a girl for a bit! Look at my pimped out version of lycra. More photoshoot time! Becoming a leak My disgusting body, at a critical point in the day, failed me, by leaking. During a student …
  • Day 19:
    OMG. I learn from a guest lecture about a Chilean song about ‘Lala’. Time to get creative and edit myself into a music video. I think most SM supporters don’t have the attention span to sit through the first 20 seconds where I don’t feature. The die-hard supporters thought it was hilarious! I got a …
  • Day 20:
    It’s day 20. It’s halfway. It feels like something big has to happen but I’m on the train on my way to visit a friend in Breukelen. I have been trying my hand at Insta stories. I’m still really bad at them. Look at the terrible stickers plastered all over my pink face. Morphic Resonance …
  • Day 21:
    OMG great catch. I classmate made a meme of me being a diva. She joined online and was perfectly poised to record all the class shenanigans. She did such a great job mocking me. Absolute gold. Reading in the brain How can a few black marks on a white page evoke an entire universe of …
  • Day 22:
    Lycra in the forest. I feel really American Beauty lying in the leaves. The young ones I study with don’t get the reference.  It was a massive cult movie when I was 20-something but it didn’t age well. All people remember now is latent paedophilia – even worse as Kevin Spacy, a now cancelled celebrity – …
  • Day 23:
    I’m totally exhausted and decide to spend the whole day at my house. Normally I don’t wear my lycra I’m home. I hang out in pyjamas. So a whole day at home means a whole day in pyjamas. I do HAVE TO wear it when I step outside. I am lucky enough to bag a 5 …
  • Day 24:
    I finally get to define #artletics. The methodology I’ll use to conduct all my further research from now on.  During my studies, I wish to capture my love for the outdoors and movement within the context of fashion.  I call this ongoing project #artletics – making art or clothes with bodies. By being active, we leave …
  • Day 25:
    Massive presentation day. Thesis Review no1! I got up at 5:30 this morning, started my online teaching job early. My friend is doing her PHD defend in Groningen. I’m gutted I can’t attend. She flew all the way from South Africa and battled inter-continental Corona bureaucracy to make it to the Netherlands. And then my …
  • Day 26:
    I get to travel to Groningen to see my friend. She has been following online and also studies art theory but her study friends PHD scientist are a bit taken aback by my pinkness. I try to explain that it’s for research, to gauge and measure public opinion about wearing something totally revealing but unflattering. …
  • Day 27:
    Body garment. What is my favourite piece of clothing? My skin. My body has played the most important role in my life. The only thing that truly has and always will be there is my body. It has carried me through many of life’s adventures. So in a way, my body is my storage. It’s …
  • Day 28:
    The conversations about pink and pink clothing are really interesting. It’s juvenile, it’s girly, it’s saucy. It’s ditsy, it’s dirty, it’s not for people who want to be taken seriously. It’s bullshit. The values we assign to colour is completely cultural in influenced by the mood of the moment. Today pink means slutty tomorrow virgin. …
  • Day 29:
    I have a cold but still somehow squeeze my leaky body into my lycra. I’m soo tired of wearing it. Mostly because my experiment is not working properly. Wearing lycra in winter doesn’t work! It’s always covered by a sweater or jacket. No one gets to stare at my bulges. I’m not eliciting the responses …
  • Day 30:
    My friend used my ‘campaign’ as an example for his art/English classes. Look atb this cute pic of them all posing like me!  My heart melted. Donna Harraway wisdom With Donna Haraway, we read her trickeries and situated positionalities which offer a rich and dense understanding of partial ways of knowing, and self-reflexivity.  Relatings and constituants …
  • Day 31:
    Body types are funny right? People have this idea of what a body in sport looks like. But what sports? And if your body doesn’t fit the mould, does this mean your body isn’t an adversary? I’m strong and granted not as fit as I were when I left Japan, but I have endless energy and …
  • Day 32:
    People keep on sending me pics of pink things that remind them of my challenge. This is my favourite one! The paranoid’s lament We regard freedom and independence of media as a crucial civil rights. In recent years we have witnessed freedom of expression on the Internet being violated and threatened at an alarming rate. …
  • Day 33:
    A friend sends me a message about gender-specific colours of clothing. He tells me a bunch of stuff he learned in like feminist studies. Once again arbitrary categorization is based on the dogma of the day. It’s interesting how our narratives change. Conversations on Facebook
  • Day 34:
    One week before 40! It’s Saturday night and I start celebrating with pink champagne.
  • Day 35:
    Sunday is saffa day. I can only think about meat and not pink. Mmm, the meat was good! Describe a day in your life when you were happy. It can be a real memory that actually happened or a day that you wish had happened. Write for the sake of writing. Maid, Netflix
  • Day 36:
    Making Christmas presents for my family. I wanted to make key chains, but it will probably just be fridge magnets. Talking with Eric Reiman Deacrates, division of body and mind. The universe is mechanical. Humans are subject with agency and nature becomes an object without agency= resources. Becoming masters of the universe we put ourselves …
  • Day 37:
    A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here! A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here! A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here! A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here!
  • Day 38:
    Den haag. A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here! A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here! A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here! A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here!
  • Day 39:
    A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here! A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here! A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here! A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here! Simulation theory and …
  • Day 40:
    A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here! A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here! A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here! A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here!
  • Birthday:
    A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here! A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here! A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here! A bunch of text to remember I still have to write stuff here!

40 Before 40 Challenge