<span class="vcard">Lala3xl</span>

Day 21:

OMG great catch. I classmate made a meme of me being a diva. She joined online and was perfectly poised to record all the class …

Day 20:

It’s day 20. It’s halfway. It feels like something big has to happen but I’m on the train on my way to visit a friend …

Day 19:

OMG. I learn from a guest lecture about a Chilean song about ‘Lala’. Time to get creative and edit myself into a music video. I …

Day 18:

I have a cupboard of clothes, but all I wear is this boring lycra! I need to feel like a girl for a bit! Look …

Day 17:

This animation actually took me longer than I expected. It was supposed to just be a simple paper hack to transform my body, but I …

Day 16:

Today was a big day. My study buddies have been dying to bleach my hair and turn it pink! The final instalment to total pink …

Day 15:

The same friends who called me a plucked chicken coined the best phrase to describe lycra. ‘Equal parts chewing gum and trampoline’. I just wanted …

Day 14:

This was one of my most memorable posts. People still comment on how good my animation skills are. Just a Photoshop gif people! Movement was …

Day 13:

It’s Sunday. What a crazy week. I just want to chill out and not think. I go visit my South African friend in Appledoorn. He …

Day 12:

Fashion sale! I have had this bookmarked for weeks. Time to grab cheap designer swag from the fashion students at uni. They are thoroughly sick …

Day 11:

This is one of my favourite statements and posts. I am a curvy girl and got a lot of comments about my body in Japan. …

Day 10:

Wow, ¼ in. Almost can&t believe it. I already kind of hate lycra. I also hate trying to come up with quirky things to post …

Day 9:

Wrapping yourself in lycra is like being wrapped in plastic wrap. You feel super exposed. My creative study buddy helps me make a video. It …

Day 8:

I’m already having fatigue from posting on SM every day. I want to do creative things with photocopies. But between work and study, I have …

Day 7:

Hungover, my friend and I make it back from Amsterdam. The trains last night were cancelled so we had to crash in a hostel. We …

Day 6:

My post today elicited a lot of feedback and comments. The message really resonated with people. Many people messaged me privately to comment about how …

Day 5:

Lycra Lala meets Lycra tables. I’m at a fashion conference where people are taking themselves super seriously. I’m messing around, as usual, seductively draped on …

Day 4:

Studio day at ArtEZ main campus. Our Masters class are doing a printing workshop. I&m running super late because I am looking at potential new …

Day 3:

Embracing the exposure. It is my third day in lycra. My lecturer says I look like a penis. I kind of do.  Last night I …

Day 2:

Ranting about nudity! It’s funny how some cultures embrace their bodies and others do not. In Japan, I used to go to the onsen (hot …