Day 9:
Day 9:

Day 9:

Wrapping yourself in lycra is like being wrapped in plastic wrap. You feel super exposed. My creative study buddy helps me make a video. It doesn’t land so well on SM. I think some people think I’m being unnecessarily weird now. Some of my cycling friends in Japan don’t get it. Maybe they realize some of the comments are directed at them. They took great liberties commenting on how my body transformed as I got fitter as well as what happened to my body when I stopped exercising so much. I’m going through some stuff guys. Immigration is hard!

Eugenie Shinkle: ‘Uneasy bodies: Affect, Embodied Perception, and Contemporary Fashion Photography’

There is a degree of anxiety, within visual and cultural theory, around the incorporation of the body and its biology into accounts of meaning and meaningfulness. Concerns have been raised about the lack of a common vocabulary between the humanities and the sciences, and about the methodological pitfalls involved in incorporating biological models into a cultural studies context. Seldom, however, have critics declared the two domains to be innately or categorically incompatible. Perception is a complex and nuanced process that stretches across multiple fields of analysis, and biological models can open up new ways of understanding this process.


  • Papenburg, Bettina  & Zarzycka, Marta. ‘Carnal Aesthetics: Transgressive Imagery and Feminist Politics’. Uneasy bodies: Affect, Embodied Perception, and Contemporary Fashion Photography, Eugenie Shinkle. (2012). I.B.Tauris. 10.5040/9780755603374