Explore with your body


My mind is reductive. My body destructive

You have to suffer for beauty
For acceptance, for praise
Insecurity priming
Your worthless appearance betrays 
Bulges, curves, uneven complexion
Ageing and frizzled hair
Your natural is disturbing  
You need toning and repair


You have to suffer for beauty
For acceptance, for praise
Insecurity priming
Your worthless appearance betrays 
Bulges, curves, uneven complexion
Ageing and frizzled hair
Your natural is disturbing  
You need toning and repair

You have to suffer for your dreams
You can’t regress, you must shine
Capitalistic desires and ideals
Never falter, fail or decline
Ascend up the ladder
The existential goal
Reach all the milestones
Don’t lose control


You have to suffer for fulfilment
An endless pursuit for more
What you produce is not sufficient
You are inferior, your bore
Copy approved/accepted conduct 
Originality isn’t of concern
You have to follow the format
Or be prepared to relearn

You have to suffer for your ideology
Your opinions, your voice
You will encounter ridicule
Deriding your choice
Because your information is baseless
It doesn’t contain merit
Division keeps you occupied
Doubt becomes inherent

Your suffering is a signifier
That makes you believe
You own a semblance of control
Autonomy perceived
But you are a pleb
Your identity in defiance
You’ve sacrificed your humanity
In return for corrupted reliance

And this rhyme is a platitude
That will fall on deaf ears
A programmed mental barrier
Has instilled unsurmountable fears
Philosophical feedback loops
Affirming your dogma
Outside the opinion corridor lies
Conflict, anxiety, drama


To escape the indoctrination
You’ll have to push the limits far
Beyond societal mores
There is no support where you are
Banished, excluded
Not the status quo’s slave
Escaping cognitive dissonance
It’s hard to be brave

I will break free from these confines
I will find a way to reclaim
What is the fabric of reality?
My mind is going insane
But I will action, I will participate
And embrace visceral folly
I don’t trust my rationale anymore

