I have a cold but still somehow squeeze my leaky body into my lycra. I’m soo tired of wearing it. Mostly because my experiment is not working properly. Wearing lycra in winter doesn’t work! It’s always covered by a sweater or jacket. No one gets to stare at my bulges. I’m not eliciting the responses I was hoping for. I’m just stuck in a challenge wearing restrictive clothes that make it hard to pee. The only people who asked anything were the people at the yoga studio. ‘You are wearing the pink again?’, yes I’m researching material agency and how textile communicates with the body. O what have you found? Honestly not much. It’s too cold atm to even feel my body. And I7m tired and annoyed by the monotony of wearing the same outfit.

I misunderstood

Born into servitude
I have had this feeling for a while now. the feeling that something is out of whack. It feels like the molecules that contain my consciousness is not vibrating in sync with the world. I have this desire to transcend the physical boundaries of a human body, and even though the balance between flesh and fairy have been disturbed, I cannot break free from the physical form I was born into. Born into servitude.
“Don’t become addicted to being human, it’s only temporary.”
– Bruce Lipton