Day 6:
Day 6:

Day 6:

My post today elicited a lot of feedback and comments. The message really resonated with people. Many people messaged me privately to comment about how much criticism they got after being pregnant or sick etc. why does anyone else feel they can comment on your physique.

I’m heading off to Amsterdam with a friend to see my cousin. As the friend and I get onto the train, some passengers drinking beer in the hospitality cart cheers to my lycra. They shout some things in German. Not surprisingly. No Dutch person has batted an eyelid at my shenanigans. 

In Amsterdam, we play glow golf. My lycra suit already has a hole. I patched it with some neon thread before I left Arnhem. There is a glowy patch from my navel to my crotch. Hilarious!

Heartfelt messages. My post resonated with some

Glow in the dark lycra